Our application is currently used by 1178 companies (small, medium and large enterprises)
from various sectors of production, trade and services.
The application is beneficial, for example, in the field of sales, production, education, healthcare, construction or social, legal and hotel services.
References provided by some long-term customers can be found below:
Centrum pohybové medicíny Pavla Koláře
CLOOS PRAHA, spol. s r.o.
ECoGas Technology, s.r.o.
HoSt Home-Start Česká republika, z.ú.
Medical service Davepo s.r.o. & Medevac s.r.o. & Medevac Trauma Clinic s.r.o.
Schoeller Instruments, s.r.o.
Soukromá logopedická klinika LOGO
Vodní záchranná služba ČČK, z.s.