Electronic travel orders

The Travel Orders module significantly facilitates the management and provability of the necessary tasks related to the implementation of business trips. The entire process of recording, processing and approving travel orders is carried out electronically.

Available in languages:

Electronic registration of travel orders, calculation of compensation

  • Employee business trips, and not only employee business trips, are often an important aid to the performance of work tasks assigned by the employer. The travel orders module significantly facilitates the management and evidence of the necessary tasks associated with the implementation of business trips.
  • The procedure for entering and processing the travel order fully corresponds to the printed travel order forms in order to ensure the relevance and procedural accuracy of the travel records.
  • The electronic travel order held in the eIntranet application shall specify precisely and clearly all the conditions of a specific staff member's travel so that it can be approved by the sending manager (the relevant manager authorised to do so). This part is decisive and is subsequently matched by the mission statement. This includes, in particular, the time and place of commencement and termination of the journey (start and end of the mission), the place of performance of the work tasks (temporary duty station), the mode of transport, accommodation and other matters as appropriate and at the discretion of the employer.
  • Within the Travel Orders module, all approvals are done electronically, which significantly speeds up the approval process. At the same time, the possibility of obtaining a printed version of the approved travel order is maintained, if necessary.
  • During the process of completing and approving a travel order, the travel order may be in the following status: established - awaiting approval to travel - approved, travel authorized - approved, awaiting reimbursement - processed - denied.
  • The business trip will be billed automatically after you enter the relevant data. In the module settings, however, you must first enter the rates of the individual items to be billed. travel order.
  • Travel orders can be completed for both domestic and foreign business trips.
  • Easily search and sort travel orders by status (filed, pending approval, returned for completion, approved, processed, rejected, cancelled).

The electronic Travel orders (ETO) software from eIntranet.net are revolutionizing the way businesses and organizations manage travel expenses. The benefits of utilizing the eIntranet.net ETO are numerous and powerful. For starters, the ETO simplifies the process of booking, approving and tracking travel for business trips. With the ETO, users can quickly and easily book flights and accommodations, as well as manage their travel budget. All processes are streamlined with a minimal number of steps. This saves valuable time and money for businesses. The ETO also provides a convenient way for businesses to control and track travel expenses. Detailed receipts are automatically generated and stored in the system. This allows managers to quickly and easily monitor employee travel costs and make sure they stay within budget. In addition, the ETO offers enhanced security features. Companies can set limits on how much each individual employee is allowed to spend on his or her travels. This ensures that any potential misuse of travel funds is minimized. Finally, the ETO is designed to be user-friendly and intuitive. The interface is easy to use, so even those with little computer experience can quickly understand and benefit from the software. All in all, the ETO software from eintranet.net is an excellent tool for any business or organization that incurs travel expenses. By eliminating the hassle of paperwork and streamlining the entire travel process, the ETO helps save time and money, while providing a secure and easy way to manage travel costs.